There are minimum qualifications to become a Correctional Officer for the Illinois Department of Corrections. Those requirements include: you must be an Illinois resident, at least 18 years old, have a valid driver’s license, a High School Diploma or GED certificate, be a U.S. Citizen or an authorized alien who has permanent residency and be […]

Correctional Officer Requirements for Florida
In order to be a Correctional Officer in the State of Florida, certain minimum qualifications must be met in accordance with Florida Statutes, and are as follows: Be at least 19 years of age, a citizen of the United States, and have obtained a high school diploma or equivalent (GED). You cannot have had felony […]

Correctional Officer Requirements for Texas
There are over 100 prisons throughout Texas under the control of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, employing over 25,000 Correctional Officers. To be eligible to become a Correctional Officer with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, the following requirements must be met: You must be a citizen of the U.S, or an alien […]

Correctional Officer Requirements for New York
To become a correction officer in NYS, you must meet the following minimum requirements: Be 21 years old on or before your appointment date. You must be a U.S. Citizen. Be a High School graduate or its educational equivalent. Reside in New York State to meet the residency requirement. Successfully pass the written Civil Service […]

Correctional Officer Requirements for California
The position of Correctional Officer is an entry-level class. In order to be hired as a correctional officer, candidates attend a formal 16-week training program at the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Training Academy and a formal two-year apprenticeship program upon reporting to an adult institution. The apprenticeship program requires satisfactory completion of a minimum […]
What is a Corrections Officer?
Prior to your start in the field of a corrections officer and before you begin your correctional officer training, it would be wise to first understand what is involved in the career, to include what the required skills and training could be but more importantly, what is the job description corrections officer. As mentioned before […]
What Are the Responsibilities of a Correctional Officer
By: Jenna Thompson Being a correctional officer is no easy task, the profession itself is quite dangerous and risky. If you are someone who is looking to pursue this action packed career, you would need the best training that you can get. You would be dealing with the convicted persons that are considered to be […]
Correctional Officer Related Job Titles
There are many career opportunities available in corrections or correctional services. To assist in your search, I have included some related job titles to the correctional officer job to illustrate these additional opportunities. Correctional Officer Related Job Titles Convict Guard Correctional Facility Guard Correctional Institution Guard Correctional Institution Head Matron Correctional Officer Correctional Officers Supervisor […]