One of the most common and basic requirements that must be met in order to become a correctional officer is that you are at a certain educational level. Now, this can vary based on the position that you are applying for, but for nearly all entry-level correctional officer positions, this condition must be met. This […]
Correctional Officer’s Creed
The Correctional Officers’ Creed By: Bob Barrington -International Association of Correctional Officers (IACO) To speak sparingly …to act, not to argue …to be in authority through personal presence …to correct without nagging …to speak with the calm voice of certainty …to see everything, know what is significant and what not to notice …to be […]

Top Correctional Officer Exam Study Guides
One of the most important steps you will take on your journey to become a correctional officer is when you take the correction officer exam. For many people the very thought of taking any type of test brings on feelings of fear, apprehension, and anxiety, while others see it as nothing more than another obstacle […]
Can Bad Credit Stop You From Getting Hired As A Correction Officer?
When you apply for a correctional officer job, should you be concerned that your previous or current bad credit will keep you from getting hired? Unfortunately, most employers these days, not just those offering positions as correction officers, are increasingly utilizing a prospective applicant’s credit report as a qualifying factor for many jobs. So what […]
Steps You Can Take To Repair Your Credit
In the previous article, we discussed how credit reports are increasingly being used to determine if job applicants have the proper judgment skills and responsibility level required for the positions they are applying for. If you’ve ever been told by a hiring department for a correctional officer job that your credit report is an area […]
How To Become a Prison Officer in the United Kingdom
The information presented in this article is primarily focused for individuals interested in becoming prison officers in the U.K. and surrounding areas and includes the requirements for prison officer positions with the HM Prison Service, or Her Majesty’s Prison Service. Click here for details on how to become a correctional officer within the United States […]

The Best Boots for Correctional Officers
We’ve covered the top 10 every day carry items in a previous post on correctional officer gear, but in this post, we will focus on one of those items in greater detail and with a broader selection, and that’s correctional officer boots. Correctional officers spend a lot of time standing and being active on their […]
Basic Correctional Officer Training Curriculum
Taking the necessary steps to advance in your career as a correctional officer can ultimately lead you to consider pursuing a certificate or diploma in corrections. Although you will receive some of this training when you enter your basic academy training, obtaining a certificate in corrections would teach you so much more. The following is […]

What Are the Disqualifying Factors to Becoming a Correctional Officer?
As you probably can already gather, becoming a correctional officer and getting the proper training is not a guaranteed path of employment. There are a number of requirements that must first be met prior to you becoming eligible to be placed into a position as a correctional officer. There are disqualifying factors throughout the application […]
How to Become a Correctional Officer in Houston
Correction Officers in the Houston area are referred to as Detention Officers. To be a Detention Officer in Houston, you will need to apply with the Harris County Sheriff’s Officer. As a detention officer, you will be working within Harris County jails; under the direction and supervision of Sergeants, Lieutenants, and Captains in your particular […]